
Play midi files on iphone
Play midi files on iphone

Thank you for taking the time to look at this posting and I look forward to your proposal. The project can be started and completed anytime. I would like to see this project completed by the end of June. I am a developer and don't have the time in my schedule to learn core audio. There are over 1,000 patterns and grooves to choose from. You can change the UI controls as long as it supports the functionality outlined.Īs for experience, this can be your first UpWork project or you can be a rockstar. Each sound category includes MIDI patterns and grooves that you can use to start playing immediately. I have also attached three MIDI files which you can use in the XCODE project to test. A sample wireframe screen shot is attached along with the specs.

play midi files on iphone

The programmer (you) will provide clean/documented code project written in Apple's SWIFT programming language. See attachment for further details and specs.

play midi files on iphone

The MIDI file player will play files that are local on the device and allow the user to adjust tempo, pitch, instruments, volume and toggle tracks on/off using a UI before or during playback. I am looking for a SWIFT programmer familiar with MIDI file playback and core audio or the audio kit framework on IOS to create a MIDI file player.

Play midi files on iphone